Grass Valley Police Department
8:06 a.m. – A 911 caller form the Highway 49 ramp at South Auburn Street reported a plastic trashcan in the roadway.
8:19 a.m. – A reporting party from Nevada City Highway reported a male subject who had been sleeping under one of the vacant cabins was crawling away towards the roadway. The reporting party was concerned the subject was going to go into the roadway.
8:32 a.m. – A reporting party from Bennett Street reported that his jack was stolen out of his yard and he believed he may have found it at a local business.
1:41 p.m. – A reporting party from an East Main Street business reported subjects being verbally aggressive and refusing to leave the outside of the building.
4:32 p.m. – A 911 caller from a Plaza Drive business reported a black SUV had been in the parking lot the last two days and the caller felt like they had been casing the business. The caller advised the vehicle circled the business 4-5 times at closing time and they were now parked nearby, looking into the business. Law enforcement found the vehicle unoccupied and contacted the caller and advised them to contact law enforcement if the subject returned.
5:35 p.m. – A reporting party from a Nevada City Highway gas station reported a male subject starting a fire under the sign.
7:14 p.m. – A security company from a Sutton Way business reported several subjects loitering via camera. The reporting party advised that approximately six subjects were refusing to leave after the reporting party asked them to via speaker.
11:28 p.m. – A 911 caller from a Mill Street business under construction reported a male transient trespassing and sitting on the front patio. The caller was concerned the roof might fall on the subject.
11:50 p.m. – A 911 caller from Richardson Street reported theft of a motorcycle.
Nevada City Police Department
8:56 a.m. – A reporting party from Commercial Street reported overnight theft of a vehicle.
11:58 a.m. – A reporting party from Ridge Road reported that a former friend who was supposed to check on his house once a week was now staying at the apartment. The reporting party requested he be removed.
Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
8:08 a.m. – A reporting party from Alta Sierra Drive reported a school bus parked in the lot overnight.
10:02 a.m. – A reporting party from Sages Road reported a deer stuck in the fence of a horse pasture.
10:05 a.m. – A dog menace was reported on Round Mountain Ranch Road.
1:39 p.m. – A reporting party from Ward Court requested personal contact regarding leash laws within the county.
4:06 p.m. – A 911 caller from Combie Road reported a female jumped out of a speeding vehicle and ran in the other direction. Law enforcement was unable to locate the female or the vehicle.
5:27 p.m. – A 911 caller from La Barr Meadows Road reported a subject waving a firearm out the window of a vehicle. The caller advised that a passenger was holding a silver Glock pistol and had aimed it at subjects running and pretended to shoot.
Grass Valley Police Department
12:12 a.m. – A reporting party from a Mill Street business reported two male subjects attempting to start altercations inside the bar and refusing to leave. While on the line, the subjects left and the reporting party advised law enforcement was no longer needed.
4:48 a.m. – A reporting party from Rockwood Drive reported the neighbor above him was stomping around and being loud. The reporting party called back approximately 10 minutes later and advised that when he went out to have a cigarette, a female subject came over and yelled at him.
7:31 a.m. – A reporting party from La Barr Meadows Road reported several vehicles had been broken into overnight.
8:04 a.m. – A 911 caller from Old Tunnel Road reported someone dumped chemicals on his vehicle. Law enforcement contacted the caller and was unable to substantiate vandalism. A liquid substance was thrown on the vehicle and the caller was advised to wash the car off.
3:02 p.m. – A reporting party from Minnie Park reported a toilet filled to the top with urine and feces.
11:24 p.m. – A 911 caller from Neal Street reported ten subjects in the street that appeared to be in a heated altercation. The caller advised that when she drove through the crowd, they attempted to come up to her vehicle aggressively. An additional 911 caller reported a physical altercation between approximately 10 subjects and advised they were unable to break it up.
Nevada City Police Department
1:50 a.m. – A 911 caller from Broad Street reported that a subject disclosed to her that they may have murdered someone in Southern California.
2:39 a.m. – A 911 caller from Gracie Road reported five male juveniles in the roadway yelling, being loud and causing a disturbance.
Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
8:15 a.m. – A reporting party from Alta Sierra Drive reported she was following a loose border collie mix she was unable to contain.
10:13 a.m. – A reporting party from Jayhawk Drive requested personal contact regarding damage to a garage door, possibly by juveniles on bikes the prior night. The reporting party advised that she heard a bang the night before but did not see anything. When she came out in the morning, she found a dent in her garage door.
11:17 a.m. – A reporting party from Devonshire Circle reported someone “egged” his vehicle and garage door overnight.
2:06 p.m. – A 911 caller from Garden Bar Road reported approximately 20 goats and one dog in the roadway.
3:42 p.m. – A 911 caller from a Charles Drive business reported theft of gas from 6 or 7 vehicles in the yard. The caller advised that someone used a port-a-potty and did not flush, which they believed could be used as DNA evidence.
Grass Valley Police Department
1:11 a.m. – CHP at West Main Street reported that one of their units was flagged down by a female subject at Richardson Street who stated there was a male subject causing a disturbance inside the bar and threatening to shoot someone.
8:54 a.m. – A reporting party from an East Main Street business reported a large amount of property, including a large knife, was left on the patio.
3:11 p.m. – A reporting party from a Sierra College Drive business reported a vehicle parked in the parking lot with “private citizen” covering the rear plate.
11:34 p.m. – A 911 caller from Carpenter Street reported that a group of three juveniles just attacked the caller and the caller’s roommate. The caller advised that one of the juveniles was hit across the head with a tool. An additional 911 caller reported overhearing three juveniles talking about being beat up and appearing to need medical attention.
Nevada City Police Department
7:09 a.m. – A 911 caller from North Pine Street reported a female subject checking business doors.
Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
4:13 a.m. – A 911 caller from Broken Oak Court reported her wife threatened to set the shed on fire. The caller advised the subject had access to lighters and torches and was possibly under the influence.
1:19 p.m. – A 911 caller from Annie Drive reported reckless juveniles on dirt bikes.
4:44 p.m. – A 911 caller from Treasure Box Road reported he just found a man being torn apart by dogs. The caller advised that he was transporting the victim in the bed of his truck. The victim was lifeflighted to a Roseville hospital.
—Nathan Levinson